Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Grocery shopping for dummies

Our grocery store has a great olive and antipasto bar, where you can buy a wide variety of delicacies like roasted peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, marinated artichokes, dolmas, and of course, a dozen different kinds of olives, $7.99 a pound.  Grab a plastic box, dish out your choice of goodies, pop the top on the box.

Doesn't sound too hard or time-consuming, does it?  So it's a surprise to find that six feet away you can buy pre-packaged boxes of the same delicacies, not exactly as many as you might have dished out yourself, and not customized to pop in a couple of roasted garlic cloves on top of the tomatoes in case you're going to use them for pasta.

But hey, you save the 55 seconds of spooning out the food and putting a lid on the box, so it's worth an extra buck a pound, right?

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